Crush Your Week With These 5 Cardio Kettlebell Workouts

Crush Your Week With These 5 Cardio Kettlebell Workouts
Presented by Spartan Training®

We want you to crush each and every week, so every Sunday we're supplying you with five efficient workouts that you can do any time — and anywhere — to maximize your potential and make the most of every day.

When you're training to perform the best that your body possibly can, it's crucial to activate your body from the inside to the outside. In this week's cardio kettlebell workouts, designed by Spartan SGX Coach Miriam Halenakova, you'll combine intervals of tempo running and hill sprint circuits with EMOM kettlebell core sets to increase muscular endurance, create a strong and stable core, and protect against injury on the course.

Related: Running Uphill Can Be A Slog — Use This Workout to Build Stamina and Strength

Check out the full week of cardio kettlebell workouts below, complete with step-by-step instructions. (If you click on the image, you can zoom in and make it full screen.) Also, make sure to click here to get the full database of Crush the Week workouts, and sign up for our weekly Crush the Week newsletter to get these plans delivered straight to your inbox every Sunday. 

cardio kettlebell workout


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