Train Like Spartan Champ Rebecca Hammond for a Week

Train Like Spartan Champ Rebecca Hammond for a Week
Presented by Spartan Training®

We all want to know: What makes the best-of-the-best Spartan athletes out there tick? How do they keep their edge? In our Train Like A Champ series, we dig into the details of the training, nutrition, mindset, and more that keeps our most epic athletes on top. 

Hammond’s training mix has got it all: Lots of miles (long runs and interval runs), cross training, strength training, and course-influenced climbing. A potential key component to the success of her program is following her best practices for recovery. She foam rolls daily and isn't afraid to take days off.

The One-Week Train Like Rebecca Hammond Plan

As excitement grows for the 2019 Spartan World Championship in North Lake Tahoe late this September, we tapped Webster for an inside look at what a week-long "Rebecca Hammond training plan" looks like, so you can follow along as she preps for Tahoe—and learn to train like a champ yourself. 

Related: Train Like a Champion: Q&A with Champ Rebecca Hammond

Note: Begin all workouts with a warm-up—and end all with a cool-down.

Every day: Recovery

Focused tennis ball rolling 2x per week or more as necessary

*Foam roller post cardio and at beginning of lifts during the week.

Related: Dynamic Warmup to Start Every Workout

Monday: Cross Training (XT) 

45 minutes of climb projecting and “obstacle-y stuff”

Pullups, swing out to pull-up, lock off traverse, then 3 rounds of rig traverse, plate push bear crawl to rings, high rings, plate push bear crawl back to rig

Tuesday: Mileage +/- Cross Training (XT)

90-minute endurance run which may or may not include cross training.

Wednesday: Tempo Running + Strength

40-minute tempo run including a lower body strength workout.

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise: Back squat, TRX split squat, sumo squat, single-leg deadlift, step up with twist, sliding side lunges with dumbbells

Thursday: Cross Training (XT) + Strength

Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise: clean and press, kneeling single-arm kettlebell press, oblique side crunch holding a kettlebell, dumbbell snatches, standing lateral raise, tricep pushdown with a cord


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Exercise #2 of five: lunges! . 6 reps each leg (all 6 one leg then straight into the other). Start with barbell and increase in 10lb increments. Rest while your partners go or for 30-60s. . You don't have to go very heavy if you focus on the upward explosion, which ensures high intensity while keeping risk of injury low. I went up to 80lb and it felt 👌 after exercise #1 (squats). In the second video you can see Thorleif, the mastermind behind the routine and also quite strong, is getting plenty of intensity without too much weight. He is also using the momentum of the weight to increase intensity - see how he almost throws himself forward before exploding back up? Try this if the weight feels light. It's a game changer 👍 . #lowriskhighbenefit #ocrtraining #spartanracetraining #weightlifting

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Friday: Hill Training

Complete 3 sets of 5 x 400m hill repeats with gentle to moderate slope. Jog down rest to reach 90 sec, with additional 1min rest in between sets

Related: What a Week of Spartan Pro Nicole Mericle's Workouts Looks Like

Saturday: Recovery and climb

Climbing projecting followed by a 4x4.

Sunday: Mileage

2-hour endurance run


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Dad asked if I’m juicing

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