4 Rules That Should Control Your Race Training Prep and Recovery

4 Rules That Should Control Your Race Training Prep and Recovery
Presented by Spartan Training®

When you’re constantly testing the limits of your body like Spartan Master Coach Trevor Franklin, your prep and recovery needs to be as comprehensive as the training and nutrition program itself. And while every Spartan understands the basics, they also have their own ways of doing things. Everyone trains a little differently, eats a little differently, and recovers a little differently. But when you're training to run fast and long while maintaining muscular size, it's a tricky balance that requires intense dialing.

Here’s how Coach Franklin does just that, keeping his body ready for just about anything.

Related: The 7-Day Run Long, Stay Strong Training Program With Trevor Franklin

Trainer Trevor Franklin's Recovery Rules for Obstacle Course Race Training

1. The Pre Routine

Cheating yourself on a warm-up is an easy way to get injured, Franklin says. Before every single workout or event, he’ll take 10 to 15 minutes to focus on movement prep from the ground up.

He starts with movements that wake up the feet, achilles, calves, shins, hamstrings, calves, hips, and glutes. It all starts with bodyweight movement, then you can slowly start adding in weight.

“I love doing kettlebell swings and squat holds with a light weight to make sure my form is solid and my body is prepped to move a load,” he says.

And if he’s preparing for a long run, he’ll spend more time on his glutes and calves.

2. The Post Routine

Franklin identifies his hips as a trouble area, partially due to the sitting he does throughout the day — and sitting after a long run is a recipe for disaster. After every run or workout, he’ll perform a series of exercises to stretch his hips for 10 to 15 minutes.

Related: A Spartan Coach's Secrets Behind Boosting His Hybrid Performance

“Sitting all day is probably one of the worst things you can do, so I make sure to stretch immediately after my run, then a little bit throughout the day,” he says.

Franklin's legs get extra sore when he’s really ramping up the mileage, so he’ll wear compression boots at night to combat the inflammation.

trevor franklin recovery

3. Weekly Body Work

In addition to the pre- and post-workout stretching, Franklin makes it a priority to get on his massage therapist's calendar once per week, and his chiropractor’s once a month.

“Deep tissue massages have been a game changer for me, since I can do a lot myself, but I need to get in there every week,” he says.

He’s less consistent with the chiropractor, but if there’s a stubborn area or two, he’ll go in for a few adjustments. 

4. Sleep and More Sleep

Franklin says that sleep has been an area he’s always working on.

“Those eight hours are absolutely critical, especially when you’re constantly challenging the body,” he says.

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His Wild Health coach has provided him with three key pieces of advice for making improvements over the last several months: Don't use electronics for at least two hours before bed, don't eat food for at least an hour or two before bed, and start doing a breath work practice.

So far, Franklin says that each has made a difference in his ability to fall (and stay) asleep.

Ready to train for your next Spartan race or DEKA event? Check out the 7-Day Run Long, Stay Strong Training Program.

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