Spartan Off Season Programming: Week 2

Presented by Spartan Training®

Day 8: Hinge/Press/Grip/Aerobic


Light run 2-8 minutes Beginners .50 miles Intermediate .75 miles Advanced 1 mile

Challenge Day 8

3 Minutes Burpees: record score (scale down with squat thrusts)

Skill 10 Banded Good Mornings 10 Plank Walk Ups 10 Spiderman Lunges

14 Minute Strength: Sumo Deadlift (Hinge) Equipment: Barbell, Kettlebell, Dumbell warmup to work sets Beginner 3 sets of 8 tempo 3101 Intermediate 5 sets of 4 reps 2101 Advanced 3-3-3-3-3 2101 rest 2 min between work sets

AMRAP 15 Minute 600 M Run 30 KB Swing 32/24kg or DB Swing 200 M Weighted run/Carry weight should be 50/35 use pancake if available 15 Pushups

Record each round. Work on keeping rounds sustainable, rounds should be withing 10-30 seconds of previous. Pacing is essential. Pace as if you could continue to move at pace for 30 more minutes even after workout was finished.

5-8 Min Cool Down/Mobility: 1 minute each side Hamstring Spartan Accumobility Roller 1 minute each side Accumobility ball pec mash, 1 minute door stretch for chest, lying wall Hamstring Stretch

Day 9: Press/Core/Agility/Aerobic week ¼

6 Minute Warm-up: ABC Dynamic Warmup 30 seconds Perform each twice Ape Crawls Lateral Bear Crawls Front And Back Crab Walks Front And Back High Knees Butt Kicks Ice Skaters

Challenge Day 9

2-5 Minutes: Max Side Plank Each Side.

10 Minutes: Bench Press Equipment: Barbell, Kettlebell, Dumbell warmup to work sets Beginner 3 sets of 8 tempo 3101 Intermediate 5 sets of 4 reps 2101 Advanced 3-3-3-3-3 2101 rest 90 seconds between work sets

6-8 Minutes: Core Conditioning 2 Sets Equipment : Spartan MB and a Partner if you got one 10 each catch twist pass 10 each way back to back rotation passes 10 each plank pass Rest 1 minute between sets

(Scaling - Non-Weighted)

Agility/Speed: 9 Minutes Tabata 30/15 work/rest Ladder or piece of chalk to draw boxes or tape to make boxes Cha Chas Hand Cha Cha Icky Shuggle Hand in outs 1 Leg in and outs Up Outs

Run 15-25 Minutes Equipment: Trail, Road, Machine

Stretch: Accumobility Calf Mash, Accumobility T-Spine Roll, Lying Cobra Stretch, Lying Child Pose

Day 10: Squat/Pull/Carry/Anerobic

8 Minute Warm-up 2 Rounds 1 Minute Spartan Bucket Carry (add weight from previous week) 1 Min Jog 1 Min Lunges Walking 1 Min Hang

Challenge Day 10 Make your bed. Yes we said it make your bed. This one small task will start your day and will create a snowball effect of hitting more challenges through the day. Check out video: Navy Seal Makes Bed.

12 Min: Squat 2/4 Equipment: Barbell, Kettlebell, Dumbell warmup to work sets Beginner 3 sets of 8 tempo 3101 Intermediate 5 sets of 4 reps 2101 Advanced 3-3-3-3-3 2101 rest 90 seconds between work sets

10 Min: Pullup 5 sets 4-8 reps tempo 2101 add wt if doing weighted rest 90 seconds between sets Int: 4 sets of 4 Negatives from top Beg: 3 sets 12 reps Ring Row 3101

Death By Emom (Every Minute on the Minute) Your test is to see how far you can get in this sequence: 1 Spartan Slam Ball 1 Burpee Add 1 Rep every round until workout can no longer be completed


Psoas Accumobility Mash, Lying Pec Opener, Lying Scorpion,

Day 11: Rest/Recovery/Blood Flow

Challenge of day Adv: Run 3 Mile Int: Run 2 Mile Beg:Run 1 Mile

Challenge of Day Walk 9000 Steps

Can Include a stretch series this day as well

Day 12: Pull/Single Leg/ Power

10 Min

Warmup 10 Minute pace run increase speed as

Challenge: Max Hang From Pullup bar record time

8-10 Min 3 Rounds

10-14 Plyo Pushups 12 Box Jumps Bounding 24" 24 Spartan Battle Rope Hip Toss Chin Up Hold 20 Sec

Int 8-12 Pushups 12 Box Jumps to Step Down 20" 24 Spartan Battle Rope Hip Toss Chin Up Hold 10 Sec

Beg 8 Pushup Negative 3101 12 Step Ups each leg 24 Spartan Battle Hip Toss Hang 20 sec

10 Min Rope Climb

3-2-1 Run 400 M In Between Sets and continue on sequence when back idea is to maintain a sustainable run so you can come on to the rope fresh Adv Legless or wrap Int S-Wrap or J-Wrap Beg Floor self pull + 15 second hang hold

Rest 2 minutes in between set

8 Min

Barbell, KB Goblet, DB Goblet Reverse Lunge 3 Sets of 8 reps each leg tempo 3101 rest 1 minute in between sets

15-20 Min

Aerobic Conditioning Work on keeping work sustainable. Athlete should be able to maintain pace for at least 30 minutes longer than the workout would tak. Record times per round and keep rounds within 10-30 seconds of the next.

Equipment: Spartan Plyo Box, Plyo Box, Sled or Sub Pancake

3 Rounds 600 M Run Sled Push 100 Feet Sled Pull 100 Feet 15 Burpee Box Jump over

Rest 3 Minutes in between rounds

Int 3 Rounds 500 M Run Sled Push 100 Feet Sled Pull 100 Feet 15 Box Jumps

Rest 3 min between rounds Beg

3 Rounds 400 M Run 20 Each Weighted Step Ups Sled Push 100 Feet Sled Pull 100 Feet Rest 2 min between rounds

Stretch: Accumobility Lat Stretch,, Accumobility Plantar mash, 10 Cat Cow, Thread the needle

Day 13: Wildcard Day

Wildcard Day

3 Min Challenge of Day Record Max Wall Sit

3 Min Warmup 3 sets 15 seconds each Fast Feet Squat Thrusts Bicycles Ice Skater Hoes

10 Min Skill Equipment: Spartan Resistance Tube or Bands, bodyweight 2 Rounds 10 Banded Hip Bridge 10 Band Side Walk to Squat 10 Band Low Rows 10 Plank ups

25-30 Min For Time

Equipment: Barbell, Kettlebell, Dumbell 12 Days of Sparts 1 Pullup 2 Thruster 3 Burpee 4 Deadlift 5 situp 6 Power Clean 7 Pushup 8 lunges each leg 9 Squat Broad Jumps square to square 10 Renegade Rows 11 Ice Skaters Each Leg 12 Jump Lunges

5-8 Min Stretch: Couch Stretch, Frog Stretch, Quad Accumobility Floss, Calf Accumobility Floss

Day 14: Stretch/Yoga/Recovery/Blood Flow


Challenge day 14: 2 minutes each side couch stretch